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Poetry Fell Into My Lap

Poetry fell into my lap.

Or perhaps I found it.

Amongst a lightpost lonely in the night

Yet lighting a familiar spectacle 

Of bar dwelling regulars

Of trash bins accepting the days goods 

Of strangers strolling to their destinations

And in that moment the words spilled out. 

Perhaps never to be absorbed by another

But experienced through self nonetheless

And that was enough!

The Rock

I’ve never seen a moon so bright

That I felt if I could pedal just right

I’d hit the edge of the earth

And dip off into the galaxy

And float off to a nearby star.

That would make me see my life

From an outside view, perhaps give clue

To the never-ending life that 

Floats upon a big rock

In a sea of no-thing

But yet is not nothing.

Quite the opposite; for as we 

All take breath and partake

In love and out

Friendships slipped by

People lost, minds not forgot

Yet our hearts beat on

In timeless space,

The past staying still, and grasping at our interests

Yet plodding us forward, on and on,

The better part of our betterment

In hopes shoots us forth

Until life from us hence

And last breath forsaken,

And our rock always moving, forever, never stagnant.

The Feeling Within

That clenching feeling within,

That gnawing ache that pulls in all directions,

Can only ever be satisfied through creative means.

Through yourself but never for yourself,

For, for yourself, brings more entanglement,

For, for others, brings unbreakable shackles,

But, through yourself, will be the key 

That releases those bounds 

That unwinds those knots

That relieves that ache

That, makes you whole again.     

On Presence

Presence; Is it elusive or omnipresent?

Wind rustles hairs on arms, machinery hums from all angles.

Music stutters on in fashionable form.

And yet the mind rambles on about things looked over 

Times that were

Times that could be 

Romances had and lost

Laughs that have been

Perfumes of loves

Backlit alleys and vast expanses of sky.

And yet here, in this moment, is the remembrance of the things that are, the present tea that sits solemnly on the table and a world of opportunity to be experienced


What's With Our Mental States?

What’s with our mental states 

It seems so simple when they put it on the TV

When they put it on the radio.

When they put it on the phone.

When they put it on social. 

We don't need our mental states then. 

We surrender them to the external world

For what do we need them for?

Mine floats off with fear and doubt 

With foreboding and falsivity.

With their lives of accomplishments

If even briefly,

At least I can say,

For a split second,

I thought I was them.

The rich, the wealthy, the ones we believe in

For why should I believe in myself

When I see Cardi B being a B to all her friends.

Procession to Nowhere

Procession to Nowhere

Through cobblestone streets

Echo’s off the buildings

Awakening the souls

Of those passed on to the undiscovered country. 

A tick and tock, not of time, but with time, and in time,

Tapping to the tempo, a smiling child 

Glides in front of a sea of flesh and blood 

Leading life on. 

The Fall

The Fall brings about a feeling that is neither present nor past.

It makes a gaping hole inside my chest that is open and vulnerable, but no matter what I receive, it cannot be filled up. 

Nostalgia comes off the waves of the winds and echoes through the hole, wallowing as it pours through, but no matter how hard the wind blows it can never fully fill every space at once.

Nor will the wind solidify to make it whole. 


It’s time to let go,

            But I can’t. 

The force, 


            Tugs at the depths.

Loosens up the hidden and forgotten,

    To be remembered.

    Nostalgia sets in.

    Life and Death.

Death. Dead. No more. Peace.


    I want something real. Something solid.

    For me to Believe in. For me to live for. 


        Then I remember. The Angels and the Devils pull

        At each other, and I am the vessel to transmit.

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